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the Beginners Workshops focuses on the foundations and basic elements of Vogue Performance in Ballroom, as well as exploring other Categories such as Face & Runway.
Everybody is Welcome – no prior experience needed!!!
*Feel free to bring to bring your heels for runway or vogue fem

Ballroom/Voguing is commercially known through Madonna’s ‘Vogue’ or the recent series “POSE”, is a art form which has been developed in the 1960’s within the Black, Latinx and Gay Ballroom Scene of Harlem/New York. Deeply rooted in New York’s LGBT community, Ballroom/Voguing took a journey from the underground clubs in the U.S. to Europe and Worldwide, with local Ballroom Scenes developed and continue to grow. Ballroom Culture is inspired by the fashion magazine Vogue, its model- like poses and the High Fashion Runway Walk. With the styles Old Way, New Way and Vogue Fem this dance combines masculine poses from Breakdance and Martial Arts, feminine posing and gestures as well as very flexible poses and the hitting of angles, boxes and lines with the body/arms on beat.


Photo by Katarina Bell Photography 

Georgina aka European Mother Leo Saint Laurent graduated with a bachelor of performing Arts from the Fontys Dance Academy in Tilburg (Netherlands) in 2008 and since then has been working successfully as a freelance Performer and Choreographer in the European Dance & Entertainment Industry.
She is known as the pioneer of Ballroom in Germany, the founder of the organization Berlin Voguing Out (2011-2016) and the Mother of the first German House – the House of Melody (2012-2019). Through steady work and community building in the last 7 years Mother Leo & the House have made their mark as the leading force for Ballroom/Vogue culture within Germany, visible through a growing artistic and self-expressive community from NRW, to Hamburg to Berlin. Since July 2019 the House of Melody has transformed and joined forces with the Iconic House of Saint Laurent (founded 1982 in NYC), representing the European Chapter under the leadership of European Mother Georgina Leo Saint Laurent. In the name of this Iconic House the collective will continue their work within Ballroom, focusing on exchange with the international Ballroom Scene to provide authenticity and understanding for the complex structures of this culture.

  24. August 2019
13:00 – 16:00 Uhr

Kosten: 30€ pro Person

[ut_button color=“theme-btn“ target=“_self“ class=“popmake-mother-leo-saint-laurent“ size=“medium“ ]Jetzt Buchen[/ut_button]

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